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Children's Emotions Discussion Guides for Adults
Lil’ Sass: The Adventure of Grief Discussion Guide
Cape On, Moms, Dads and Caretakers!
Lil’ Sass is here to teach your kids about feeling their emotions all the way, and empowering them to do so with confidence. But she can’t do it alone! As you read through Sass’s adventures, please use the following questions to stimulate discussions with your kids about their emotions and their relationship to their emotions. I encourage you to be open by revealing some of the toughest emotions you’ve experienced in a way that your kids can understand. Then invite them to do the same, and be ready to hold space and support whatever comes up for them. Feeling and experiencing our emotions is a lifelong journey, and together, we can help point kids along the way. Remember what Mrs. Moo says; “Feeling emotions is our right as human beings!”
Cape On!
• What are some of the toughest emotions you’ve felt? How did you handle them?
• What have you learned about Grief from this book, from me,(y)our family, or anyone?
• Amina is grieving because her mom has died. What have you lost that was important to you, and how did it make you feel?
• Amina feels a heaviness in her heart and many emotions like; sadness, anger, confusion, even some joy when she is grieving.
• What happens in your body when you feel grief?
What other emotions do you feel?
• What could you do for yourself or someone else when grieving?
• What did you learn about the Muslim culture and Islamic Faith from this story?
• What are you learning about emotions?
Lil’ Sass: The Adventure of Isolation Discussion Guide
Cape On, Moms, Dads and Caretakers!
Lil’ Sass is here to teach your kids about feeling their emotions all the way, and empowering them to do so with confidence. But she can’t do it alone! As you read through Sass’s adventures, please use the following questions to stimulate discussions with your kids about their emotions and their relationship to their emotions. I encourage you to be open by revealing some of the toughest emotions you’ve experienced in a way that your kids can understand. Then invite them to do the same, and be ready to hold space and support whatever comes up for them. Feeling and experiencing our emotions is a lifelong journey, and together, we can help point kids along the way. Remember what Mrs. Moo says; “Feeling emotions is our right as human beings!”
Cape On!
• What are some of the toughest emotions you have felt? How did you handle them?
• What have you learned about isolation from this book, from me, (y)our family, or anyone?
• Artie is feeling isolated for many reasons. When have you felt isolated? What did you do with this feeling?
• Artie feels hot on his face and almost as if he can’t breathe in his lungs when he feels isolated. What happens in your body when you feel isolated?
• What could you do for yourself or someone else if they feel isolated?
• What do you know about prison or jail?
• What are you learning about emotions?
• Who can you talk to when you are feeling isolated?
• Where is your heart? (*Child points to heart*) Let’s put a hand on our hearts and say, together, This is where I am, where I will always be. This means you’ll never be alone.
Lil’ Sass: The Adventure of Anger Discussion Guide
Cape On, Moms, Dads and Caretakers!
Lil’ Sass is here to teach your kids about feeling their emotions all the way, and empowering them to do so with confidence. But she can’t do it alone! As you read through Sass’s adventures, please use the following questions to stimulate discussions with your kids about their emotions and their relationship to their emotions. I encourage you to be open by revealing some of the toughest emotions you’ve experienced in a way that your kids can understand. Then invite them to do the same, and be ready to hold space and support whatever comes up for them. Feeling and experiencing our emotions is a lifelong journey, and together, we can help point kids along the way. Remember what Mrs. Moo says; “Feeling emotions is our right as human beings!”
Cape On!
• What are some of the toughest emotions you’ve felt? How did you handle them?
• Sass feels really angry that the dance moves are so hard. Have you ever felt angry about something being hard?
• Sass got even more angry when the bicyclist broke the rules! How do you feel when other kids break the rules?
• After Sass allows herself to feel her anger, she realizes that the little angers are covering up a bigger anger, has that ever happened to you?
• Have you ever felt so angry you wanted to karate chop something? Let’s do something silly: let’s try to karate chop a pillow together right now! How did that feel?
• Are there things you should not karate chop or punch, even if you’re feeling really, really angry?
• Sass gets hot when she is angry. What happens in your body when you’re angry?
• What are you learning about emotions?
Lil’ Sass: The Adventure of Sadness Discussion Guide
Cape On, Moms, Dads and Caretakers!
Lil’ Sass is here to teach your kids about feeling their emotions all the way, and empowering them to do so with confidence. But she can’t do it alone! As you read through Sass’s adventures, please use the following questions to stimulate discussions with your kids about their emotions and their relationship to their emotions.
I encourage you to be open by revealing some of the toughest emotions you’ve experienced in a way that your kids can understand. Then invite them to do the same, and be ready to hold space and support whatever comes up for them. Feeling and experiencing our emotions is a lifelong journey, and together, we can help point kids along the way. Remember what Mrs. Moo says; “Feeling emotions is our right as human beings!” Cape On!
Cape On!
• What are some of the toughest emotions you’ve felt? How did you handle them?
• Have you ever seen me feel sad? Your friends? Your siblings? Other grown-ups?
• Sass feels really sad about her dad being gone. What are some things that make you feel sad?
• Sass gets a knot in her stomach and throat when she is sad. What happens in your body?
• What have you done in the past when you’ve felt sad?
• What could you do the next time you feel sad?
• What are you learning about emotions?
• What other emotions are you curious about?

Lil’ Sass: The Adventure of Anger Discussion Guide
Cape On, Moms, Dads and Caretakers!
Cape On, Moms, Dads and Caretakers! Lil’ Sass is here to teach your kids about feeling their emotions all the way, and empowering them to do so with confidence. But she can’t do it alone! As you read through Sass’s adventures, please use the following questions to stimulate discussions with your kids about their emotions and their relationship to their emotions.
I encourage you to be open by revealing some of the toughest emotions you’ve experienced in a way that your kids can understand. Even experiencing joy and happiness can be difficult for some. Then invite them to do the same, and be ready to hold space and support whatever comes up for them. Feeling and experiencing our emotions is a lifelong journey, and together, we can help point kids along the way. Remember what Mrs. Moo says; “Feeling emotions is our right as human beings!”
Cape On!
• Sass feels really joyful about her performance! Have you ever felt joyful about something you worked hard on?
• What else makes you feel joy?
• Sass gets a feeling of butterflies in her stomach when she is experiencing joy.
What happens in your body? Where do you feel joy in your body?
• Did you ever feel jealous of another kid? If so, how did you handle that?
• Did you ever think another kid may be jealous of you? What was that like for you?
• Do you think there is such a thing as “jinxing”?
• What are you learning about emotions?
• What other emotions are you curious about?